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Celeste Tholen

Contributing Writer

Celeste cares about crafting interesting and well-researched copy that helps people make informed decisions about their security purchases. She’s written and edited in marketing and journalism for eight years, working in premier Utah newsrooms like KSL and Deseret News. A Girl Scout leader and writing mentor in her free time, she attempts to show kids that writing can change the world.

Celeste Tholen

Celeste's most recent posts

Receiving unsolicited calls from (402) 935-7733? Our call report shows the Caller ID as PayPal,...
Maybe you've read our security system reviews, learned all about how alarm systems work, and...
Home Home Security Equipment Locations Infographic By David DeMille Researcher & Writer See all articles...
Home Home Security Contracts: Did You Read the Fine Print? By Kimberly Alt Researcher &...
Think of all the things you’ve sent or received in your emails. Perhaps you’ve emailed...
Summer is a time for home improvements and, since school is out, a busy time...
I remember as a kid hiding my money in random places around my room. I'd...